Important Information About The COVID-19 Vaccine Available To Residents Of Our Facility.

Sea Crest Nursing and Rehabilitation Center

Commitment, Compassion, Customized Care

Health Services

At Sea Crest Nursing and Rehabilitation, we take pride in offering skilled nursing services that are available to our patients 24/7. Our compassionate team of nurses is dedicated to delivering high-quality care that is tailored to each patient’s unique needs and goals. By providing treatment within the context of an individualized plan, we ensure that our patients receive care that is consistent with their specific requirements. Our skilled nurses are not only highly trained and experienced, but also deeply compassionate, ensuring that our patients receive the attention, support, and treatment they need to achieve optimal health and well-being. Whether it’s administering medications, managing chronic conditions, or providing wound care, our skilled nursing services are designed to meet the diverse needs of our patients while promoting their overall health and recovery.

Care Compare Five-Star Ratings of Nursing Homes

Provider Rating Report for March 2025

Ratings for Sea Crest Nursing and Rehabilitation Center (335411)
Brooklyn, New York

Star ratings for different aspects of nursing home quality
Overall Quality Health Inspection Quality Measures Staffing
Overall Quality Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Health Inspection Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Quality Measures Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Staffing Rating: 3 out of 5 stars


If you are interested in coming to Sea Crest Rehabilitation and Nursing Center, our admissions team can help you get started.