Important Information About The COVID-19 Vaccine Available To Residents Of Our Facility.

Sea Crest Nursing and Rehabilitation Center

Commitment, Compassion, Customized Care

Health Services

Sea Crest Social workersSea Crest Nursing and Rehabilitation is dedicated to providing comprehensive support and resources to our patients and their families, and our social work team plays a crucial role in this endeavor. Our compassionate and skilled social workers are committed to helping patients and their families acclimate to the treatment process by offering counseling, education, and support services. By addressing emotional, social, and practical concerns, our social work team serves as a valuable resource for information, guidance, and advocacy throughout every stage of treatment. Whether it’s navigating healthcare systems, accessing community resources, or addressing psychosocial challenges, our social workers work collaboratively with patients and families to provide assistance and empower them to make informed decisions regarding their care.

At Sea Crest Nursing and Rehabilitation, our social work team serves as a bridge between patients, families, and the healthcare team, offering a holistic approach to addressing the diverse needs of our patients. Through individual counseling, family meetings, and group workshops, our social workers provide emotional support, guidance, and education to help patients and families cope with the challenges of the treatment process. By fostering open communication, offering practical solutions, and facilitating connections to community resources, our social work team helps enhance the overall well-being and quality of life of our patients. With a focus on promoting resilience, empowerment, and a sense of community, our social workers are dedicated to ensuring that patients and families feel supported, informed, and prepared to navigate their healthcare journey with confidence and compassion.

Care Compare Five-Star Ratings of Nursing Homes

Provider Rating Report for March 2025

Ratings for Sea Crest Nursing and Rehabilitation Center (335411)
Brooklyn, New York

Star ratings for different aspects of nursing home quality
Overall Quality Health Inspection Quality Measures Staffing
Overall Quality Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Health Inspection Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Quality Measures Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Staffing Rating: 3 out of 5 stars


If you are interested in coming to Sea Crest Rehabilitation and Nursing Center, our admissions team can help you get started.